Any skater may come try out a class at any level by paying a walk on fee. Payment in full from all skaters must be received prior to their first session on the ice
(unless other arrangements are made).
Any individual walk on skaters must show USFSA membership.
Fall Session ~ November 5 through December 19
Winter Session ~ January 7 through March 9 (includes the Annual Ice Show)
The UASC strives to keep the costs of our programs as low as possible. Please view registration for cost of group lesson(s) and ice time(s). In addition, to the cost of the lesson, each skater will need to join the United States Figure Skating (USFS). This membership is valid for one year beginning in July and includes a subscription to SKATING magazine. There is also a fee to be apart of our club and help pay administrative costs. This is also paid once for the skating season.
When available, UASC offers limited scholarship support to skaters in need. In order to build our scholarship funds, please consider a tax-deductible contribution to UASC. Please fill out the scholarship form and forward it to

Snowplow Sam: Designed for kids under six to build confidence while learning to skate incorporating fun and games making class time an enjoyable experiences for all.
Learn to Skate (levels 1-6):These lessons put the FUN in fundamentals as your skaters enjoy learning the basics of ice skating. (Beginner skaters older than six start with Level 1)

Pre Freeskate /Freestyle: Transitions, spins, and jumps. More progressive skating skills like these give more determined skates the challenges they crave